Character Image

Aurane Waters

Character Image

Daegal Rehw-Marouc

Header Image

Aurane Waters

Race/ClanMiqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Nameday14th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
SexualityGay, Demisexual
ReligionFollower of Nymeia
OccupationFormer Venue Manager/Private Dancer and Hype. Bartender, Bar Co Owner
NicknamesGoof, Ranie, Tree.
RoleplaySFW All || NSFW with friends/mutuals.

Aurane does not remember much of his life before Calamity, nor does he recall most of the events in his life as it stands. He lives in a shrouded haze of rough memories. The earliest memory he has is of exploring the ruins in the Shroud, picking through rubble for curious items to take home to his tentatively named 'tribe', a group of outcast Miqo'te boys who had banded together to form a small tribe of their own - Mostly abandoned, or alone in the wake of the Calamity. As he had no memories of his previous life, he struggled to fit in with any of the others, choosing to steal off in solitude not out of choice but necessity - Being the smallest and weakest in a Tribe of all males was not the most desirable position for him.
His luck ran out fairly quickly, After his curiosity led him down a dark and unexpected road. He found his Grimoire in the most unlikely of places, and with it, he found the undoing of his Tribe at his own hands. Though he has no recollection of what transpired in it's totality, he knows he wandered out of that clearing he had once shared with his fellow Miqo'te, covered in blood and with a compelling urge to never return. He set off on foot, drawn out of the forest by a mysterious pull, aided by passers by until he stumbled somewhat haphazardly into Limsa Lominsa.Struggling to survive in a world he had limited knowledge of, unable to read, or even understand most for a time, given his seclusion in his Tribe, He took to petty crime and other illicit activities - At one point, drawing the attention of a man who dealt in pleasures of the flesh, being offered the means to survive in exchange for his services - He could not refuse. Thus started a chain of depravity in his life, learning to read in passing from his clients, sharing tales of his time in the woods with drunken admirers. It wore thin fast, and as he started to feel an overwhelming urge to steal off back into the wood, another would always take his place, he was of little value to anyone - A voice told him to follow up on a missive posted to a board.Now, his life is much different than it was. He has found a sense of purpose and stability, a Tribe of his choosing, though small, They are his world. Much is left unsaid of this reluctant "hero", While he may appear to others as though he is entirely at ease, his mind is never at peace, despite his heart being at rest. He may have grown, but has he learned what it means to be the hero after all this time...?Personality
Aurane is a mischievous, clumsy and playful Miqo'te. While he is open to a near fault, he has his moments where he will trick others simply for his own amusement - Or gain, whichever the situation calls for. Overly curious, sometimes dangerously so, he's often found himself in situations beyond his control and in need of aid, much to his close companions dismay. While he may come off as stupid and childish to some, he does have a serious side - Closely guarded, he does not let others see it often. He is given to periods of brooding where he slips off to undisclosed locations, often giving himself over to his darker emotions in times of strife in his life. Described by those close to him as sweet, you wouldn't believe it if you saw him in a tavern, lingering against a back wall and glaring at everyone else.
Aurane is currently in a committed relationship with one he calls his mate. Although he may occasionally indulge in others in passing, he has no desire to pursue any further, he is quite pleased with being mated, and will viciously defend this fact - He shares a trust with his mate that they may both explore as they wish, he being the one who indulges in this more frequently, but the very notion of anyone attempting to disrespect his relationship, or his mate, would be met with condemnation, seeing themselves removed from his life. His family, his tribe, is his most treasured thing in his possession.It would be a disservice to not mention his ever faithful companion Tim Tam. He shares a rather perplexing relationship with this curious little Carbuncle, a gift from his Grimoire, one might say. Tim Tam has dutifully followed his summoner, as such Aurane views him as more dog than Carbuncle, often taking to talking with him at length. Others have borne witness to raging arguments between the two, of much amusement. Tim Tam is an avid enjoyer of Ishgardian shoe laces and strangely, The harp.HooksSketching, Carbuncles, Fishing, Botany, Crystals, Primitive Survival, Dark Magic, Rituals.


Race/ClanViera, Veena/Rava (Mixed.)
Nameday5th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
SexualityPanromantic Demisexual
ReligionAnswers only to the wind.
OccupationWeaver/Hunter/Forest Singer.
NicknamesRabbit, Dae, Little Leaf.
RoleplaySFW All || NSFW with mutuals/friends.

Daegal was born next to a rushing river, in the snows, under the cover of darkness in the Skatay Ranges. His Veena mothers mouth covered by his wounded, dying Rava father. From his first breath, he has only ever known cold and mistrust. Found days later, bundled in the snow drift with the last of his mothers strength, he was taken back to her village to be raised. Having no true family left to him, he was placed to live alongside a kit of the same age, growing up beside them under their families watchful gaze, mistrusting him, even as a small kit - For what his parents had done. As he grew, and decided his gender, opposite to that of his friend, the two became near inseparable, spending all their time together - Despite his far greater interest in the males of the village, he grew accustomed to her spiriting him away in the dead of night, laying together beneath furs in the snowy forest, much like his birth. When the day finally came for him to begin his training as a warder, he near refused, begging her to leave the village with him - Like his mother had years before, before she tried to return with his father in tow. His master laughed as he overheard his begging, dragging him into the forests by force.
Although he did try to learn, and was adept at tracking - His master deemed him unworthy at every turn, his training sessions often leaving him battered and bruised, unable to make it back to their camp. He would take to running off to nearby villages of outsiders on the outskirts of the forest, watching them with envy. Though he loved the wood, it was not his to ward. Instead taking to singing, hoping perhaps that would be enough to appease the spirits of his beloved home. Returning finally from his training, his master declared him begrudgingly "suitable" for not more than arrow fodder should there be an invasion. His pride wounded, he stole off, hiding his tears from the others as he sought out his best friend. Taking comfort in each other as they always had, beneath the furs - an unwise decision, as when he was presented to her father as her chosen mate, he was shunned. Driven from his home, with threat of being shot on sight lest he return.For many years, he did not return, instead spending his time wandering the woods of the Shroud, where he met a blood covered Miqo'te, being escorted by a Sylph. Tracking them, following this odd partnership to Limsa, he stayed a while, offering his services to weavers and singing in taverns for gil. Seasons past, and that very same Miqo'te wandered in to the tavern he was singing in for a drink, and thus he struck up a conversation. He has followed the Miqo'te since, as a tentative friend, or a possible annoyance.He did return to his village, hiding in the trees from his fellow kin, sneaking in under the cover of darkness to find the one who would've been his mate. He found a cold shoulder, and a kit of his likeness instead. Although they had both grown and moved on, he vowed to always make the trek home - Slipping past his kin and leaving gifts for his kit, and flower crowns for his former mate, stealing away just as quickly, lest he take an arrow - As his father did.Personality
Daegal is a reserved yet curious individual on the inside, or in laymans terms, he's nosey. On the outside others often describe him as rude, argumentative and downright irritating. Those are the ones who do not get close enough to him to see the softer side, one he jealously keeps close to his chest. It is hard to earn Daegal's trust, nor pry any information out of him - His time with his master taught him that all anyone ever wanted from him was to take, and thus he keeps his quiver at the ready. His training and the manner of his removal from his village left scars on him that he cannot fix, and so he masks himself - Only those he deems worthy will be allowed to be considered a tentative friend.
He is single, and not looking for a relationship in a conventional term. He prefers the knowledge that he need only worry for his own safety. He yearns, for companions to replace the void left by his youth, and so he lashes out at any who attempt to get close with him - Only those with a head of rocks, or the determination of a weed among snow, are ever successful in sharing his body in any capacity. In the words of the one he would consider his closest friend at present, "You're an arrogant, self centred, self loathing beast.", To which he only laughed and agreed.Flirtatious in nature however, especially around other Viera, or those who remind him of his best friend, the small "adorable kit" as he refers to him as, though he is no kit in truth, it just amuses him that it bothers his friend so much. Never one to back down from a challenge, he always attempts to wriggle his way out of situations, using any means at his disposal - Others can keep their honor.Hooks
Nature, Singing, Animals, Weaving and Stitching, Flora, Braiding, Hunting/Trapping and Friendly Rivalry

About Me
Hemlo friend, My name is Aurane - well, That is what you can refer to me as at any rate. Im 30 and what can only be described as an absolute goofball. Im an avid people person, despite being rather loud, I have trouble communicating with people due to my neurodivergence and thus, found a love of roleplay when I was younger. I prefer that any interaction with me, unless we are very close, is strictly with my little precious idiots, 99% of the time, I will be speaking as such as I am them, and I appreciate your understanding of that. While I am open to friendships, I still ask that you refer to me if you do OOC, as Aurane, I will not answer to any other name. Elsewise, I ask that you please be patient with me as a roleplayer - I suffer from strokes and occasionally have severe memory issues, I take notes on all roleplay as a result of this. I enjoy playing all parts of FFXIV, (yes, including and especially eeka), as well as music (classical and rock.), learning gpose and all forms of written/visual art.
Every single one of my characters, of course has a tiny piece of the soul I wish to be, however we are not one in the same. Please respect this. I have a life outside of my characters, and they have their own. Do not assume if one of my beans takes interest in your character, that it means anything more than that. I am not here for any external relationships (apart from friendship).
You are of course, always welcome to ask asides in game or outside of game. However please note these with brackets so I understand that this is not a question or comment from your character. I will not be answering questions on others and their beans either, if you have questions for them, ask them. It is not my place to discuss others in such a manner. While I am often happy to chat via messages with others, understand that I will be doing zero voice roleplay, and only associate over voice with very close friends. If you are unclear on anything, please ask. I mislike miscommunication and misunderstandings in this regard.As obvious; I will only write with other adults. Even SFW, I will not budge on this.Writing Style
Length/Depth will depend on the subject matter at hand and what, if any insight or opinion my character/s have. I generally stick to paragraphs, so there is something for the other to work with, but not an avalanche. I am rather accommodating though, and happy to alter my lengths if there is merit and meaning in the context.
SFW/NSFW Interactions
All of my characters are open to SFW interactions with anyone, this in regards to WU/T as well. If you see one of my idiots in the wild, you are more than welcome to approach to strike up a conversation, unless I am busy with another roleplay at the time, I will respond. NSFW interactions, are far more limited. I will not partake in any NSFW with lalafells, non negotiable, nor characters that are below appropriate age. While my characters are all open to NSFW interactions, I prefer that there is some form of attempt at meaningful conversation to decide whether or not that interaction would even take place for my characters - Especially in regards to characters of mine that have attachments. One of my characters may act very differently than another in this regard, do not assume they are the same, but even so - Respect, Consent and Communication. While they are all flirty in their own ways - That does not mean they are 'open for business'.
As a follow up to this, please respect me as the creator in regards to NSFW. While our characters may have a moment, or a situation, unless we are close friends or consistant roleplay partners, I do not wish to receive dm's/videos or gif's of your character in a lewd manner. Random e-dick pic's is not a vibe bro. Those who have permission to send such, know they have that permission, if you are unsure, you don't have it.Availability to Roleplay
I have a full time job outside of roleplay, therefore my time is limited during most days. I highly value my roleplay partners, and the effort and love they put into their characters, thus I will not commit to any more long term roleplay for the foreseeable future, in game at least. However short interactions, or brief ones are welcome, and I am always available on other platforms to discuss this if that is something you wish to look at. I am most often with my main roleplay partner, so if you message me in game, chances are I am busy and will get back to you when I am able if I do not respond. I am open to roleplay in discord servers if that is another avenue you may be interested in, although I generally only roleplay in game. If you want a little taste of the lighter side of my main character, Aurane, you can find him every week at The Firehouse - Where he bartends.